Fantastic Imaginary Creatures
An Anthology of Contemporary Prose Poems
edited by Gerry LaFemina
ISBN: 978-1-956440-81-2 paperback $20.95
ISBN: 978-1-956440-82-9 ebook $9.99
122 pp.
May 21, 2024
The prose poem is the literary sphinx, the literary chimera, minotaur, gryphon–part one thing, part another and at their best, they’re magical, mythical. Fantastic Imaginary Creatures collects the best contemporary prose poems that demonstrate the potentiality and plasticity the form allows. Some of these poems have been previously published, and some are brand spanking new.
The Contributors
Valerie Bacharach, Ujjvala Bagal-Rahn, Ned Balbo, Madeleine Barnes, Michelle Boczek Evory, Rick Campbell, Joseph Capista, Gary Ciocco, TS Coody, Jim Daniels, Anthony DiMatteo, gary fincke, Jeff Friedman, Molly Fuller, Joy Gaines-Friedler, George Guida, Luke Hankins, Gretchen Heyer, Tom Hunley, Anna Jacobson, Peter Johnson, Richard Jordan, Elizabeth Kerlikowske, Gerry LaFemina, Joseph Lerner, Geri Lipschultz, Lorette C. Luzajic, Gary McDowell, Kathleen McGookey, Jennifer Militello, Robert Miltner, Erin Murphy, kerry neville, Robert Perchan, Christine Rhein, Jane Satterfield, Katherine Smith, Joshua Michael Stewart, Virgil Suárez, Matthew Thorburn, Eric Torgersen, Patricia Valdata, Elinor Ann Walker, Greg Watson, Cathy Wittmeyer, George Yatchisin, Michael T. Young

Gerry LaFemina’s latest work, The Pursuit: A Meditation on Happiness (Madville 2022), is a collection of essays. His poetry collections include Baby Steps in Doomsday Prepping, The Story of Ash and Little Heretic. His essays on prosody, Palpable Magic, came out in 2015 and Kendall Hunt recently released his textbook, Composing Poetry: A Guide to Writing Poems and Thinking Lyrically. He teaches at Frostburg State University and in the Carlow University MFA Pro-gram.
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If you like prose poetry, this one is for you. Guided by Gerry LaFemina’s definition of a “fantastic imaginary creature” as a hybrid thing that becomes magical, 56 authors contributed to this fantastic collection.